Well, here I am. Doing something I thought I would never do. Blogging! I read blogs all the time...some are friends' blogs, friends of friends' blogs, and then I find myself on blogs I've never heard of and am suddenly intrigued by this stranger. Someone who is writing about a delicious recipe that sounds scrumptious, but that I will probably never end up cooking...or explaining how to do a project that I want to try, too...and that's when it happens...I get sucked in! This is where I really start losing track of time. You see, I am a do-it-yourselfer at heart! I love projects...craft projects...home improvement projects...you name it, I have probably considered trying it...or I have tried it already!
But, I never thought I would try to blog. I have always had this feeling that I wouldn't quite be cut out for it. My friends who blog are so disciplined. It seems they are able to blog on a regular basis with such eloquence even when they are discussing their families weekly menu...and I'm just not sure if that's me. I mean, what if I end up blogging and then I look up and it has been 14 months since I've even considered writing something half-way interesting. What will readers think? But, then I thought to myself...who cares. So what if I am not as disciplined as some bloggers. Will it really be the end of the world??? Nope...not at all!! There may not be anyone who reads this anyways...haha!! :)
This will probably be a blog with a little bit of everything...some about my faith. You see, I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I hope that he is constantly on my thoughts and resonates on my lips. I pray that if you happen to stumble across this blog that you would trust in the saving grace of Jesus Christ. He died for sinners not for good people...run to him in faith!!
I am sure that at some point I will blog about my fam...my sweet husband and our super cute little boy...how can I not at least talk about our little sweet pea!!
And then, I hope to do some DIY blogging as well!! Lots of the ideas and instruction I get on projects have all been from reading other blogs...the least I can do is give back to the world of do-it-yourselfers and explain some of my DIY adventures so readers can learn from my mistakes!! I think I learn something new every time I redo a piece of furniture...and then I want to go back and refinish all the furniture in our house!! :)
So, here goes...hope you enjoy!!